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We believe that 
Every Ability Is On A Spectrum
yet what does this mean? How are you included when this statement is made? 

It is the mission of Bethesda Indoor Park to provide recreational facilities throughout the country, starting in North Carolina, that are accessible centered. Our indoor parks will ensure that those living with disabilities - physical or developmental - and regardless of age can enjoy recreation activities, socializing, exercise, and play.  We also want to provide a support space for family members and caregivers of those who are disabled.  

Welcome to Our Site
Our Equipment Wish List
artificial turf
Artificial Turf
youth adult
Youth to Adult Changing Table
ball pit balls
Plastic Ball Pitball
Adjustable Height Basketball Goals
Accessible Picnic Tables
Maypole Spinner
Boulder Climbing
Climber & Sensory Overload Hideaway
chest press accessible
Accessible Nonelectric Equipment
Antistress Sensory Toy
Sensory Room Equipment
Fitness Equipment
Stack of hands
The Full Story

About Us

Our founder, Mary Bolden, began visiting local parks while restrengthening her ability to walk due to a work-related injury.  While much of her routine was completed on the walking trails, they routinely cross paths with the play and fitness areas. She took notice that these areas were not fully inclusive or accessible.

Mary also noticed that weather could limit the activities for even the best parks. This led to her passion to create a place where individuals, no matter the ability or age could be social, get healthy, play and learn from one another all year long regardless of weather.

She envisioned Bethesda Indoor Park to be that place. An indoor park where Every Ability Is On A Spectrum.  Bethesda Indoor Park officially became a nonprofit organization in November 2018. 
To promote the benefits of socializing, exercise, fitness, and play for those with physical and developmental disabilities, senior citizens, and families. 
Happy Children
Indoor Zumba Class
Our vision is to become the leading facility of inclusive indoor recreational play, socializing, fitness, and exercise.
Why Bethesda?

The Expectation

Our hope is that the community will see Bethesda Indoor Park as a place for meeting "family", for increasing life skills, and gaining independence. Ability and age should not exclude anyone from adopting a fit and fun lifestyle. Everyone needs to socialize, exercise, be wholly fit, and play. 
Our mission statement encourages us to create and support programs and content that highlight the diversity of us all, encourages growth in ourselves, and fosters community accountability. Bethesda Indoor Park will be a safe environment, where people will feel less likely to stare, whisper, or discouraging anyone from asking why.

We want to bridge the gap between abilities because it is time to notice that every ability is on a spectrum. 
Group Hug
Image by Hannah Busing
Donate with PayPal

Thank you for your generous contribution to Bethesda Indoor Park! Your donation will help us to provide a safe and fun environment for all to socialize, exercise, be fit, play and learn. We appreciate your support and dedication to our mission. No benefit was bestowed upon the donor in exchange for this contribution. We are a tax exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Our EIN 83-2570230. All monetary donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Our Beliefs

About Us

Bethesda Indoor Park logo.The logo has the Bethesda Indoor Park written in dark blue lettering.  The logo includes a graphic which is a circle with four quadrants of color (clockwise description): dark blue quadrant with white silhouettes of two people in wheelchairs playing a sport with a ball, teal quadrant with white silhouettes of two hands in each corner reaching towards each other, green quadrant with a white silhouette of a tree, and a blue quadrant with a white silhouette of a person on playground equipment.

Bethesda Indoor Park believes that every ability is on a spectrum. 

We understand that everyone has limitations on what they can do physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

Consider the task of walking.  The ability to walk varies person-to-person and thereby is on a spectrum. 

An abbreviated spectrum view of walking:
     *Walking with no hindrances 

     * Walking with a limp due to;
                *Polio/structural birth defect
                * Sports/military injury
                * Hip replacement
     * Walking with some form of assistance 
                * Guide dog
                * Walker/Cane
                * Leg Brace
      *Walking Constraints 
                * Distance 
                * Speed
                * Time Limitation

Board Members

Bethesda Indoor Park

Mary Bolden

Chief Executive Officer 

Mary Ratchford


Leonard Bolden



Bethesda Indoor Park

Our Future

Bethesda Indoor Park

3D Rendering- Interior and Exterior

A professionally designed 3D Rendering of Bethesda Indoor Park would allow for donors, participants, volunteers, and the community at-large to have realistic visual representation of what the park would ideally look like. The cost of renders can be expensive, but we believe this cost will help create discussions and community roundtables that will help in the shaping of what is necessary to be an inclusive and accessible park. Click below to view our first phrase of 3D and 2D renderings that were completed this year.

Virtual Socials

The virtual socials are a safe space for support, discussions, and conversations. 


We understand that different abilities may limit access to indoor activities, especially as we continue to adjust to life in a COVID-19 world, and we want all people who desire to connect with others to be able to do so. 

Land for Recreational Usage Zoning

We are searching for the right location(s) for Bethesda Indoor Park. The old saying "location, location, location" is true.  Opportunities have been offered for land usage and a building zoned for recreational use, but unfortunately neither space would allow us to build what was best for the Bethesda community.  As our search continues, we need help.  Do you know land that willing to be donated, leased, or sold that can be built upon with limited constraints and within a nonprofit's budget? Do you know buildings that are willing to allow changes necessary to make an accessible and sound indoor park? If so reach out to us. 

Financial Partners

The need cannot be stated enough, nonprofits need donors.  Giving tells the community that this is a cause worthy of support.  It tells that you care.  We know that you have worked hard for each cent made and we hope that when you give to us that we show you how much we appreciate it.


Every ability is on a spectrum, we know that this holds true in giving also. Financial partners that give on a regular basis help us plan for the future and each contribution helps us thrive.

Image by ray sangga kusuma
Want to connect with us beyond the website? 

 Mailing Address

P.O. Box 690491
Mint Hill, NC 28227





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